5 Game Changing On-the-go Foods for RV Camping
This one is great because it’s easy and delicious. Want to make it? Grab a container, place your favorite veggie dip in the bottom, cut up some veggies and arrange in the container. Stick that in your fridge or cooler, then pull it out and you’ve got veggies and dip ready to go. Genius, right?
It’s official, writing this blog before lunch was a very bad idea. Less than 10 ingredients go into this meal, making it easy and fast! The best part is that you can make these ahead of time and store them in the fridge. Pop them on a plate, warm a few up and you’ve got a delicious hand-held meal. Just make sure they cool down a little first. We’re just sayin’.
Okay, this one is seriously easy. Peel a banana, dip it in peanut butter or chocolate, roll it around in nuts, dried fruits or chocolate and stick it in the freezer. Now don’t get crazy and eat it before it’s frozen. (Or do..) Anyways, this is a great grab and go treat that the whole family will love. If it’s on a stick you can bring it anywhere your heart desires.

RV Camping Near America’s Best Beach, Siesta Key
Read This Before You Go Camping in Florida
The Sunshine State. You know us for our beaches, great theme parks and amazing food. Now let’s talk about what you don’t know. Here are some tips and you need to read before you come camping in the wild lands of Florida.
Let’s talk tip numero uno. Okay, so you know we’re the Sunshine State, we covered that. But did you also know Florida has a wet season and a dry season? It’s true! You might think summer is a great time to visit (and it totally can be), but it’s also the wet season. Most days are above 80 degrees, and with the heat index it can feel like a whooping 100 or more. It rains most afternoons, sometimes raining all day. Plus, the hot and wet weather is bad for you, good for mosquitoes (so again bad for you). Basically what we’re trying to say is, there’s a reason people LOVE winter in Florida. It hardly ever rains between December and May, but the weather is usually mild and sunny. Now that is paradise!
Florida has some pretty exciting wildlife, in fact, we are known for two out of the three animals listed above. True, you won’t see any tigers (unless you visit the Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa), but there are plenty of other native animals you might encounter when camping. If you encounter a bear,
remember to use slow movements and never make eye contact. Most importantly, secure your food and never feed the animals. Sometimes animals can get very comfortable around people, especially if they are used to being served dinner. Don’t let them decide you’d make a good dinner.
Let’s say you do try to brave Florida’s summer. You’re still in for a treat because we have lots of neat stuff to do, BUT you will have to contend with the bugs. Remember to bring lots of bug spray and citronella candles. A good tip to remember is to use the spray on your clothing and not your skin. Also wrap up some dried sage to toss on your campfire. It helps act as a natural bug repellant that will help keep your skin bite free! Don’t forget the cortisone incase any bugs get past your barriers.
This probably goes for most states, but Florida has some strict laws about open fires, especially in the dry season. You’ll get good weather, but double check with your campground before lighting those s’mores! Many campgrounds require special permits or containers for fires. This is because the dry season sees a lot of brush fire, so it’s one way to keep our forests, animals and campers safe. You can totally tell ghost stories around the fire, just make sure to do it legally.
Florida is hot. You know this, but unless you’re from Florida you might not understand how hot it truly gets. Even in the winter the temperature can climb into the high 80’s. Whether you are tent camping or RV camping, make sure you have enough water. You definitely don’t want to find yourself dehydrated in the woods. Don’t underestimate how much water you’ll need, especially when it’s hot out. Stay hydrated and cool throughout the day. Remember, Florida is fun, but we do have some ground rules. Now go enjoy the great outdoors!
10 Pinterest-Worthy Summer RV Camping Hacks
The days are getting longer, the sun is coming out and summer is on its way! It’s the perfect time to go RV camping and make some amazing memories. Before you take off on your next adventure, here are some ideas to get the good times rolling.
Clearly the lesson here is stock up on glow sticks! Simply place a glow stick into a water bottle, grab a ball and go bowling! It’s fun, fast and easy. Ask everyone to save up their water bottles throughout the day so you have enough to set up the course. Make it a competition. The loser gets to hunt firewood!
Everyone has played tic, tac, toe, but this is a new twist on the game that will make outdoorsy people fall in love with it all over again. Gather up four sticks, some stones, and some pine cones and have a good old fashioned time.
This game is fun, competitive and will get your family moving. The best part? You just need a rope. Tug of war is an age-old game that is sure to deliver plenty of laughs. Plus it can be played anywhere, so it’s both portable and tons of fun.
Bocce ball is a fun game that’s storming the nation. This light up set is perfect for those summer nights in the RV. You can see these balls from up to 100 feet away, too! Play in the sun, play in the moonlight, play to your heart’s content.
With some glow in the dark paint and an old sheet, you can have lots of fun for the kids. Cut holes into different shapes into a large sheet. Outline the holes with glow in the dark paint. At night, hang the sheet and grab a few balls. Each hole is worth a different amount of points. The person with the most points at the end wins! This is a portable, easy and fun game that they whole family can play.
What summer camping game ideas do you have?